We must labour as the Bible says to rest in Christ. The easiest thing to do is to strive by creating our own good works, but if we do we will become so frustrated because we will simply get no where in our service for God. You see our Lord has finished all the works which He has appointed for us to do from the very beginning when He created this world.
On the seventh day He rested from all His work which He had created and made “It was finished.” Now that we have accepted Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of our lives, we have entered into His rest, for on that cross at Calvary, everything was provided for us, and Jesus cried, “It is finished.”
Hebrews 4:9-11. “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God for he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.”
To remain in our Lord’s rest we now labour to do nothing in our own wisdom, we must just rest in God and let Him guide us into all the good works which He has prepared for us to do. The people of Israel in the wilderness had the Word of God just like us, but it was not mixed with faith.
They refused to rest in God’s provision, they continued to disbelieve that God could take care of them. Our Lord promised to feed them, clothe them, heal and save them from all their enemies, yet, they provoked God by their blatant unbelief, in other words they refused to rest in God and let God guide them through the wilderness.
Now we have entered by Christ Jesus into His rest when we accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, and we are to trust Him for all our needs. We must let Christ guide us through this life, not by a fire by night and a cloud by day like the children of Israel, but by His Holy Spirit. For if we let the Holy Ghost teach us, then He will guide us into all truth. You see, God does not want us to worry about anything, for it is God’s good pleasure to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Our Lord just wants to take care of us, for all these things which He has promised in His Word for us already exists, being created in the beginning by Him. So let us just seek peace which is in Christ and pursue it. It really couldn’t be any easier for us, if we only rest in Him. The children of Israel could not enter into the promised land, where God had prepared an unimaginable life of many blessings, which were there for them, because of there unbelief.
Let us not fail to receive God’s blessings which He has for us, by striving and impatience instead, let us have faith, hope, patience and then we will surely have the peace of God which passes all understanding, by resting in Christ.
“Buried with Christ, and raised with Him to; what is there left for me to do,
Simply to cease from struggling and strife; Simply to walk in the newness of life.”
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