Today there is such a great need for Christians to stand together upholding one another in prayer and word. As these days draw in let us remember the words of Jesus, “the night comes when no man can work,” so let us work while we have the light, there is always something that we can do, we still have time.
I am reminded of a hymn, “There is a work for Jesus, humble thou it be,’tis the very service He would ask of thee, go where fields are whitened, and the labourers few, there is a work for Jesus, none but you can do.”
The work of the gospel must go on, even in these difficult days. Now, some churches are not preaching the truth, or caring for their congregations, as they should. I guess many of us have had experience of this, and it is to be expected, for the Bible says, “There shall come a falling away in these last days.”
If you find yourself out of fellowship because the churches which are around you are “dead”, as people say, then visit Christians that you know and share fellowship with them, you will find that a chat and a cup of tea will work wonders, and keep praying and reading your Bible. For you will surely be working for Jesus and encouraging one another, for Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”.
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